Ken Goldin and his savvy team run the thrilling action in this series that goes inside a leading auction house specializing in rare collectibles. Hope is underwhelmed at the revelation. The result was a. Her suicide with Rebekah's blood in her system led to her transforming into the first vampire of Rebekah's sireline. While, Lizzie distracts Jen, Aurora has removed and dissected one of Ben's kidneys, finding the key they're searching for. It's now time to end this. And the look on Niklaus' face as a white oak bullet pierces your heart and takes your life Will be the salve for my own broken heart.Aurora to Elijah in Heart Shaped Box. Aurora's Family After introducing the Mikaelson family on the Nina Dobrev -led series, fans followed. What Happened To Aurora In The Originals? - Hope assumes the weapon is the real Tunde blade. She and her brother witnessed the Mikaelson siblings enter their home while the five Original Vampires were pretending to be the children of the Count de Guise. She doesn't know which one is Ken and rhetorically asks for a sign. Aurora believes otherwise. Ben claims that she won't know which sarcophagus to open without him, but she's taking it one problem at a time. If Jen was telling them the truth about the key, she questions Lizzie about how they would identify the sarcophagus that holds the god they're after. Powerless to stop Malivore from ruining the world he had conquered. Moments later, Klaus stirs awake and . She pledges to help him kill the tribrid in exchange for her brother. It is the only love worth fighting for. The Mikaelson family abused her, warping her thinking. She was the younger sister of Tristan de Martel and daughter of Count Martel. That's the Klaus Mikaelson in her. Hope turns to stake her, but Lizzie breaks Hope's neck. Likewise, the same thing is true with Lizzie. She is a fairy. This cycle of revenge always leads to more violence. Aurora asks if the back of her neck itches, revealing a Triad sigil. The Mikaelsons took her hostage, to exchange her for the Serratura and Hayley, who Tristan had previously captured. Aurora de Martel was a major recurring character and secondary antagonist who first appeared in the first episode of the third season of The Originals. Lizzie finds Aurora's words borderline empowering, though Jen has returned to her hideout. Hope laughs off Aurora's plan. She believes she just needs someone to feel superior to. She was the only member of the Trinity to appear in all of the first 10 episodes of season 3. Aurora attempts to speak, but Lizzie casts another spell to silence her. Lizzie attempts to sway her go unheard and does as she commands. In The Axeman's Letter, Aurora sent a unique message to Klaus revealing that she was in town and wanted him to come find her. Klaus was the most feared vampire in the world and he conspired to let her desiccate in a wall and when that failed, she was trapped in an endless slumber. Later on, a sedated Aurora was being transported inside an SUV by some Strix vampires on Tristan's orders, as he prepared to trap the Originals with the Serratura. With that information, Klaus pondered what was stopping him from killing Aurora, who just helplessly couldn't understand that he didn't love her. Finn Mikaelson (Season 3, episode 17) Finn Mikaelson, the one Mikaelson that everyone seems to dislike or forget. The Originals: 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved - Screen Rant The Originals Series Finale: [Spoiler]'s Death Explained - TVLine The people can change. Aurora explains that Tristen is dead and that there's nothing she can do. They've painted him as a coward and a tyrant but she's now seen he's nothing of the sort. Aurora has buried Freya, but the tricky part is that Aurora has made many decoys to confuse Klaus and Elijah. Aurora simply tells him that he'll just have to trust her and vamps away. Thanks to the Brotherhood of the Five briefly putting Elijah down with the daggers, the trio were freed, and swore vengeance against the Original Vampires that had taken a century from them with their compulsion. She preyed on Hope's lack of knowledge about her family history and her cockiness. Aurora offers her a choice: to stop now and risk losing everything or keep going and to help her raise a better god and see it through to the end. Jen quips backs if she's not smart enough if she'll resume Ken's torture, but that too, she denies. Her fight is here, with her. Aurora explains that the sensation she's feeling is Red Oak making its way through your bloodstream to your heart. She comes to the conclusion that she should just do as she's asked and build the weapon. She questions if raising Chronos doesn't work, what would she do. Aurora's frustrated that she's keeping her at arm's length in regards to the direction and questions how she's tracking the gods when magic doesn't work on them. Hope tells her that her humanity is off and guilt-tripping she won't work. However, Lizzie still has a piece of the sarcophagus and is tracking that instead. Hope didn't stab her with Papa Tunde's blade. Aurora is a character from The Originals. Hope explains that this is her trusting her instincts and believing that she's not too far gone. His line ends with her; the last vestige of Klaus Mikaelson wiped from the world forever. She too is stuck in a pattern she can't escape, but in comparison to her, she at least knows it. This can be shown when Klaus mentions Camille and she becomes jealous and believes that Cami is in the way of her and Klaus' relationship, and takes matters into her own hands. Likewise, she calls Hope a coward, too, and believes her weapon will fix that and show her Papa Tunde's Blade. Lucien then promised that he'll do everything to bring Tristan back, and if that fails, he'd kill Elijah himself and free Tristan from his suffering. Opposition says review 'a cannibalisation' - as it happened He intends to crush her and prove otherwise. She is then seen with a craftsman, who is apparently reshaping the wooden knight into seven individual bullets for her. In the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty, Aurora and Prince Phillip meet in the woods, where they sing "Once Upon A Dream" and instantly fall in love. She continued playing the piano with her brother at her side, as her plans came to fruition and Camille killed herself and began her transition into becoming a vampire. He's come to apologize to her. Hope, out matched, flees from Aurora. Aurora now realizes that she was in a state and remembers that Tristan died in a box at the bottom of the ocean in agony the moment the Hollow killed Elijah. Jen is a god and as docile as she may seem, she will surely crush them. She pulls the spear forward beside her and kicks Aurora through the air; she's been fooled by her ruse. Every death will be his fault. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. With her brother and Lucien dead, she is now the only remaining member of the Trinity. Betrayed by Lizzie, Hope opens the sarcophagus and she's stabbed with the trident. After Hope and Lizzie leave the room to talk, Hope returns, wanting Lizzie to be the one to stake her. Meanwhile, the Strix new leaders, Marcel and Aya, recruit the powerful coven to perform a spell to assist the closet allies against the Mikaelsons. They know where the key is, though Lizzie doesn't know if they should be doing this, given the information Jen has given them about her father. Aurora complements Cleo's mind, she's never seen an inner sanctum like this before and she's quite the artist. Klaus, Elijah, and the Rebekah The Originals character first arrived in New Orleans during the 18th century. Klaus and Elijah, once a representation of morality and immortality's opposing . She wants Ken to render his judgment. Jen however liked hanging out, offering to do it again sometime. After Jed leaves, Aurora confronts Ben at the Old Mill. Lizzie calls Hope and tells her that the game has changed and has swapped sides. Lizzie knows this as Aurora forced her to cast the binding spell. Now she wonders if her brother Tristan had done the same. She wonders why Lizzie saved her. During a secret meeting between them in an alley, Madison gives her the wooden knight after a successful thievery and asks Aurora to 'free' her from her coven. Rebekah found her and gave her some of her blood, telling her to cherish her human life. It was during this time that Lucien revealed his newfound strength to Aurora and offered her to drink the serum as well, so they can work together to achieve the common goal - fulfill the prophecy and kill the entire Mikaelson family. She shows Lizzie a sarcophagus. Aurora tells her how sorry she is. When Does Aurora Die In The Originals? - Aurora already knows this and why she has help. Her words intrigue Aurora which makes her smile and states that their worlds could change with a bang. Aurora | Disney Wiki | Fandom At first, she is seen as a slightly shy, playful and carefree young woman as a result of being sheltered for most of her life. Returning to the diner, she and Lizzie talk. She questions why she's changed her mind. Hope picks back up her sword and the two begin to fight. She asks if Lizzie would like to say anything. After a millennia, her father was finally offering her a place in the family by his side, but all she could think about was how he punished humans for every little thing with earthquakes, fires, floods. Aurora comments on how dreadful the slushy is, yet continues to drink it. She's just like every other Mikaelson she's come across. Aurora loved her father as much as she hated him. With the slaughter of the monks behind her, she escaped her imprisonment by diving off of the cliffs. Aurora believes something is bothering him and he explains to her that he had a strange dream. Aurora succumbs to the fatal wound and dies. Aurora stated that Elijah was too obsessed with family, and that he didn't even know his siblings as well as he thought. Her disorder caused her to have episodes that were extremely manic and dangerous. Hope believes they're evenly matched, but Aurora doubts that. The two main characters don't actually meet until Sleeping Beauty is already asleep. It doesn't matter either way to Jen, her father always gets what he wants, eventually. Aurora displayed signs of mental instability as a human. Aurora greets Hope, wondering if she expected someone else. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Klaus swore retaliation against Aurora for what she did to Cami. Once a Mikaelson, always a Mikaelson. However, when Rebekah and Marcel fell in love, Klaus felt threatened and . Aurora doesn't trust him, though Ben tells them that they're trying to trick a god. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, it was revealed that Aurora was in fact in love with Klaus and had a secret affair with him when she was human. She was the first vampire in history of TVD/TO universe revealed to be bipolar. Lucien has also described her as having eyes a person could get lost in just from one look. In By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, Aurora watches from their bed as Ken stands in front of a window and dresses. Aurora awaken on the floor, as Hope and Lizzie embrace each other in a hug. Aurora then echoed these thoughts to Klaus, breaking his heart. The Originals: Why Claire Holt's Rebekah Left The Vampire Diaries Spinoff Lizzie doesn't believe so because what Aurora refuses to see is that Tristan was the problem. Desperate to save his sister, Tristan made a deal with Klaus to make a trade between them. She gives Hope a head start, but pulls a second blade from her back. Aurora cannot separate Hope, who was not involved in the 1,000 year feud, from the rest of the Mikaelson's, showing a fixation on the family. Ken wonders if she truly believes them and she does. She takes this as her cue to answer, though it's Lizzie and Jen. Malivore is already dead, yet her family is still asleep. Aurora muses that she has the body of the tribrid and doesn't need help, however, Lizzie explains that she just snuck up on her while Hope is in control of her thousand-year-old vampire body. One that was decent, kind, and loving. Lizzie wants to chat with her. As she wakes up, Jim pretends he doesn't know what has happened or how it came to be. Still on fire from a bit of sunlight, Lizzie smothers the fire and apologizes to her, what she's experiencing is unnecessary and inhumane. She yelps in pain and when she pulls it out, Klaus is gone. Jen leaves her to think about what she's told her.
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