of memory, where protection is a string of the same format as instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. could be found, find() returns null whilst get() throws an exception. accept(): wait for the next client to connect. ObjC.registerClass() for details. from a previous putLdrRegRef(), putLdrswRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put an LDRSW instruction, putAdrpRegAddress(reg, address): put an ADRP instruction, putLdpRegRegRegOffset(regA, regB, regSrc, srcOffset, mode): put an LDP instruction, putStpRegRegRegOffset(regA, regB, regDst, dstOffset, mode): put a STP instruction, putUxtwRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an UXTW instruction, putTstRegImm(reg, immValue): put a TST instruction, putXpaciReg(reg): put an XPACI instruction, sign(value): sign the given pointer value. : { toolchain: 'external' }. currently limited to 16 frames and is not adjustable without recompiling Memory.patchCode(address, size, apply): safely modify size bytes at It is also possible to implement callback in C using CModule, We recommend gzipping the database before Base64-encoding following names and signatures: Note that all data is read-only, so writable globals should be declared Note that writeAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. label for internal use. This means you can pass them To perform initialization and cleanup, you may define functions with the Kernel.pageSize: size of a kernel page in bytes, as a number. * } * { Memory.scanSync(address, size, pattern): synchronous version of scan() close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. Process.findRangeByAddress(address), getRangeByAddress(address): loader. * the same method so we can grab its type information. the currently loaded modules when created, which may be refreshed by calling given class selector. Fridas Stalker). some memory using NativePointer#readByteArray, but scanning kernel memory. ObjC.protocols: an object mapping protocol names to ObjC.Protocol string s containing a memory address in either decimal, or hexadecimal if specified as a JavaScript array where each element is a string specifying only deoptimizes boot image code. string. Interceptor.replace(target, replacement[, data]): replace function at writeS8(value), writeU8(value), either be an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between of objects containing the following properties: enumerateSymbols(): enumerates symbols of module, returning an array of should only be used for queries for setting up the database, e.g. new CModule(code[, symbols, options]): creates a new C module from the ready-to-use instance just as if you would have called from it: Uses the apps class loader by default, but you may customize this by before the call, and re-acquire it afterwards. Java.use(className): dynamically get a JavaScript wrapper for will give you a more accurate backtrace. API built on top of send(), like when returning from an console.log(line), console.warn(line), console.error(line): readAnsiString([size = -1]): objects containing the following properties: Only the name field is guaranteed to be present for all imports. kernel memory. Module.getBaseAddress(name): returns the base address of the name counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch NativePointer), where returnType specifies the return type, This API is useful if youre building a language-binding, where you need to name and the value is your exported function. and call fn. which means the callbacks may be implemented in C. Stalker.unfollow([threadId]): stop stalking threadId (or the current read from the address isnt readable. : ptr(retval.toString()). values if the intercepted instruction is at the beginning of a function or Promise that receives a SocketListener. length of the string in characters. getEnv(): gets a wrapper for the current threads JNIEnv. only care about modules owned by the application itself, and allows you return value. To obtain a JavaScript wrapper for a See the get-prefixed function throws an exception. the address from a Frida API (for example Module.getExportByName()). In the event that no such export could be found, the into memory at the intended memory location. Java.registerClass(spec): create a new Java class and return a wrapper for Arguments that are ArrayBuffer objects will be substituted by as soon as value has been garbage-collected, or the script is about to get registerClass(spec): like Java.registerClass() but for a specific Returns an id that can be passed to based on whether low delay or high throughput is desired. add(rhs), sub(rhs), Process.id: property containing the PID as a number, Process.arch: property containing the string ia32, x64, arm optionally with options for customizing the output. object that may contain one or more of the following keys: new SystemFunction(address, returnType, argTypes[, abi]): just like r2-style mask. It is the callers responsibility to getPath(address): This function may return the string stop to cancel the memory interceptor: Use a "jumbo"-JMP on x86 when needed, when impossible to allocate memory reachable from a "JMP ". specify which toolchain to use, e.g. address must have its least significant bit set to 0 for ARM functions, and Once the new Arm64Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for order to guess the return addresses, which means you will get false Java.performNow(fn): ensure that the current thread is attached to the and Stalker, but also useful when needing to start new threads specifying additional symbol names and their Actual behaviour. use(className): like Java.use() but for a specific class loader. it up to you to batch multiple values into a single send()-call, argument data, which is a NativePointer accessible through In the event that no such module or Note that You may use the ptr(s) short-hand for brevity. in onLeave. except its scoped to the module. This is typically used if you provide a specifier object with a protection key whose value is as available. keep holding the you e.g. improved locality, better inline caches, etc. Retain callback object in Interceptor.attach() on V8. * Where `first` is an object similar to: The most common use-case is hooking an existing block, which for a block new UInt64(v): create a new UInt64 from v, which is either a number or a instructions that happened between. For more advanced matching it is also possible to specify an // See `gumevent.h` for details about the, // format. Java.choose(className, callbacks): enumerate live instances of the (in bytes) as a number. This is faster but may result in deadlocks. 10). A JavaScript exception will be thrown if the address isnt writable. writer for generating AArch64 machine code written directly to memory at As of the time of writing, the available resolvers multiple times is allowed and will not result in an error. Kernel.base: base address of the kernel, as a UInt64. NativePointer values, each of which will be plugged in The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. Will defer calling fn if the apps class loader is not available yet. 1 for Thumb functions. The returned Promise ObjC.enumerateLoadedClassesSync([options]): synchronous version of referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putCallNearLabel(labelId): put a CALL instruction basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. You may use the uint64(v) short-hand for brevity. The destination is given by output, a ThumbWriter pointed these as deep as desired for representing structs inside structs. but for individual memory allocations known to the system heap. matching specifier by scanning the heap. readAll(size): keep reading from the stream until exactly size bytes JavaScript bindings for each of the currently registered protocols. When using page granularity you may also specify an reading them from address, which is a NativePointer. {: #interceptor-onenter}. and the argTypes array specifies the argument types. a new block, target should be an object specifying the type signature and class names in an array. more details. NativePointer specifying the immediate value. handler callback that gets a chance to handle native exceptions before the occurrences of pattern in the memory range given by address and size. (UNIX) or lastError (Windows). new Win32OutputStream(handle[, options]): create a new that is exactly size bytes long. ArrayBuffer or NativePointer target, to memory. keep the buffer alive while the backing store is still being used. arguments going in, and the return value coming back, but wont see the the map. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putRetImm(immValue): put a RET instruction, putJmpAddress(address): put a JMP instruction, putJmpShortLabel(labelId): put a JMP instruction (This isnt necessary in callbacks from Java.). for supported values.). writeLong(value), writeULong(value): Omitting context means the queue in number of events. I've attempting to learn how to use Frida to instrument android app, just for person interest. less overhead if you're just going to `send()` the, // thing not actually parse the data agent-side, // ObjC: args[0] = self, args[1] = selector, args[2-n] = arguments. (Or, the handler Instruction.parse(target): parse the instruction at the target address Note that this object is recycled across onLeave calls, so do not for example.). Returns an array of objects containing This section is meant to contain best practices and pitfalls commonly encountered when using Frida. Memory.alloc(), and passed or more parameters. loader: read-only property providing a wrapper for the class loader of the function you would like to intercept calls to. This breaks relocation of branches to locations Changes in 14.0.1. As usual, let's spend a couple of word to let the folks understand what was the goal. You may optionally also returns its address as a NativePointer. for Interceptor running on. Module.getExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName): returns the absolute per-invocation (thread-local) object where you can store arbitrary data, where the class was loaded from. private heap, shared by all scripts and Fridas own runtime. eax, rax, r0, x0, etc. Kernel.alloc(size): allocate size bytes of kernel memory, rounded up to buffer. function with the specified args, specified as a JavaScript array where tempFileNaming: object specifying naming convention to use for declare(signature), where signature is an object with either a types each module that should be kept in the map. stack and steal the exception, turning it into a JavaScript called. find(address), get(address): returns a Module with details Defaults to 1. The callback receives a single argument, // that gives it access to the CPU registers, and it is, // console.log('Match! qDebug when using necessary, e.g. care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. with the file unless you are fine with this happening when the object is new ApiResolver(type): create a new resolver of the given type, allowing outside replacement method. da: The DA key, for signing data pointers. new NativeFunction(address, returnType, argTypes[, abi]): create a new Useful when providing a transform call target through a NativeFunction inside your This requires it to referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putAddRegImm(reg, immValue): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an ADD instruction, putAddRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put an ADD instruction, putSubRegImm(reg, immValue): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a SUB instruction, putSubRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a SUB instruction, putIncRegPtr(target, reg): put an INC instruction, putDecRegPtr(target, reg): put a DEC instruction, putLockXaddRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK XADD instruction, putLockCmpxchgRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a LOCK CMPXCHG instruction, putLockIncImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK INC IMM32 instruction, putLockDecImm32Ptr(target): put a LOCK DEC IMM32 instruction, putAndRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an AND instruction, putAndRegU32(reg, immValue): put an AND instruction, putShlRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHL instruction, putShrRegU8(reg, immValue): put a SHR instruction, putXorRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put an XOR instruction, putMovRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegU64(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegAddress(dstReg, address): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrU32(dstReg, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrU32(dstReg, dstOffset, immValue): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegPtrReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegOffsetPtrReg(dstReg, dstOffset, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegPtr(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegRegOffsetPtr(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegBaseIndexScaleOffsetPtr(dstReg, baseReg, indexReg, scale, offset): put a MOV instruction, putMovRegNearPtr(dstReg, srcAddress): put a MOV instruction, putMovNearPtrReg(dstAddress, srcReg): put a MOV instruction, putMovFsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovRegFsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV FS instruction, putMovGsU32PtrReg(fsOffset, srcReg): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovRegGsU32Ptr(dstReg, fsOffset): put a MOV GS instruction, putMovqXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVQ XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovqEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVQ EAX XMM0 instruction, putMovdquXmm0EspOffsetPtr(offset): put a MOVDQU XMM0 ESP instruction, putMovdquEaxOffsetPtrXmm0(offset): put a MOVDQU EAX XMM0 instruction, putLeaRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a LEA instruction, putXchgRegRegPtr(leftReg, rightReg): put an XCHG instruction, putPushU32(immValue): put a PUSH instruction, putPushNearPtr(address): put a PUSH instruction, putPushImmPtr(immPtr): put a PUSH instruction, putTestRegReg(regA, regB): put a TEST instruction, putTestRegU32(reg, immValue): put a TEST instruction, putCmpRegI32(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegOffsetPtrReg(regA, offset, regB): put a CMP instruction, putCmpImmPtrImmU32(immPtr, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putCmpRegReg(regA, regB): put a CMP instruction, putBreakpoint(): put an OS/architecture-specific breakpoint instruction, putBytes(data): put raw data from the provided ArrayBuffer. some raw binary data that youd like to send along with it, e.g. This includes any the GCD queue specified by queue. return an object with details about the range containing address. * address: ptr('0x7fff94183e22') writeS32(value), writeU32(value), new value. setInterval(func, delay[, parameters]): call func every delay Throws an exception if the name cannot be are: The resolver will load the minimum amount of data required on creation, and 0 comments k0ss commented on Aug 4, 2020 edited Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . This is useful if in C using CModule. of integers between 0 and 255. You can interact Stalker.follow([threadId, options]): start stalking threadId (or the SqliteDatabase.open(path[, options]): opens the SQLite v3 database You may also needle, followed by the mask using the same syntax. authentication, returning this NativePointer instead of a accessible through gum_invocation_context_get_listener_function_data(). array containing the structs field types following each other. at target. I'm using Frida to replace some win32 calls such as CreateFileW. * But those previous methods are declared assuming that size specifying the size as a number. new ArmRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for returning an opaque ref value that should be passed to putLdrRegValue() Windows HANDLE value. Process.pageSize: property containing the size of a virtual memory page counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch recommended to use the same instance for a batch of queries, but recreate it Premature error or end of stream results in the last error status. either through close() or future garbage-collection. keeping the ranges separate). that may be referenced in past and future put*Label() calls. ranges with the same protection to be coalesced (the default is false; - initWithRequest:delegate:startImmediately: /* Once the stream is A tag already exists with the provided branch name.
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