His word says. I decree that in this new day, a new week and new month, the Lord shall make me a winner in all that concerns me, in the name of Jesus. Healing is the childrens bread. Philippians 4:15-19, For every form of shame I may have suffered, there will be double restoration for me in 2022! 6. MY SEASON OF CELEBRATING HAS FINALLY COME! I receive fresh Grace to be outstanding this day. Q. Sometimes, even when necessary measures are taken, we have heard of cases where, Read More 100 Safe Trip Prayer Messages For My Loved Ones And FriendsContinue, Perhaps, the greatest gift we can give to our pastors is to pray for them. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Thank you, Lord, for the month of MAY, all glory belongs to You: my maker, my defense, my sustainer, my shepherd, my provider, my Redeemer, my great ally, my strong tower, my Refuge, my deliverer, my healer, my protection, my helper, thank You for fighting all our BATTLES for us; thank You for giving us victory over every challenge that we face on a daily basis. 4. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Psalm 23:1-6/ Isaiah 48:21, As I maintain my covenant walk with God, my showers of blessing will continue to come down! I decree and declare that I will be filled with the joy and peace of Christ and that I will radiate this joy to those around me in Jesus name. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. ( Colosians 2:13-15). Ill be glad to hear from you. I declare the blood of Jesus redeem them from all afflictions. I John 4:17, Every generational curse, spell and enchantment is dropping off of my life this year! In the name of Jesus, be free from spiritual slumber and lukewarmness! I just found it now. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (Psalms 148.5). 11. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS AND DECREES.. WHAT ARE THEY?! God lives in me, therefore I cannot be defeated by the wicked one. But as i follow step by step i am sure of greater testimonies. (Romans 8.37). And I will take sickness away from the midst of you (Exodus 23:25). Matthew 8:1-2, Whatever does not glorify God in my body is cursed today! I am so blessed.Thank you. 39. God Bless you for these Declarations! 106. Therefore as you engage in this decree and declare prayer points today, whatever you decree and declare shall be your portion in Jesus name. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. With faith in your heart and passion to pray in your soul, get set for the miraculous as you engage the power of God into your situations through these powerful prophetic prayers and declarations. The victory of the word is my victory in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 58:11-12/ Psalm 23:1-6, In the year 2022 whatever represents an air of pity around my life, will be turned to a testimony of envy! In addition, below you will find a list of prophetic declarations and prayer points we've compiled. Psalm 126:1-6/ Psalm 35:27, As I continue to put the word of God to work, my life will no longer be a question mark, but an exclamation mark among men! Your email address will not be published. 30. We are happy you found the declarations helpful in your journey. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses. (Mathew 8:16-17). Enjoy the declarations below. Prophetic declarations are very essential to determine what our experiences will be during the day and what our testimony will be at the close of the day. These are very powerful prophetic declarations and i believe as we declare the, the Spirit of God is making the a reality in our lives in Jesus Name. Haggai 1:5-14/ 1 Kings 8:17-18, Because of my raw obedience to the law of giving and receiving, money will become the least of my concerns all through 2022! I am super excited that you are among those who made it to this significant month. Do not just get blessed alone, remember to share with your family and friends. Please pray for me as my feet are affected with Polio . 7A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. The prophetic declarations and decrees become laws, once they are spoken in form of prophetic prayer points. You may be wondering, how to pray prophetically and how do you know what Bible verses are right for your life. 57. Thank you brother Otha, sister Laronna and staff for allow God to use you as his vessel to share these messages to bring healing to our families . I opened it and fell on my knees before the Lord because thats exactly what I needed. Use these declarations and you will see a wonderful difference in your life. Even though many of us, unconsciously assume that our pastors are always fine, and think that intercessory prayers for pastors are not necessary, the truth is, our pastors need our prayers. My body is in good shape and perfect condition all the time so that I can walk in sound health to fulfill Gods purpose for my life in the name of Jesus. Whenever God wants to do a thing, He speaks. A believer who have made prophetic declarations his daily routine can never lose out on any battle. Isaiah 63:4/ Luke 18:7-8/ Psalm 94:1, As I continue to make bold declarations, whatever is sitting on any aspect of my destiny, will be unseated this year! This is it. Bible says, The step of a man is ordered by God. He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. 104. I feel so Blessed and happy to have come across this Prayer Page and I know that it is the Lord Jesus himself who has introduced me to this page . Manage Settings I decree and declare that I will be obedient to Gods will and that I will follow His guidance in all that I do in Jesus name. (Ephesians 2:8) Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. 105. (Isaiah 53:4-5). Powerful Declarations For 2021 | PRAYER POINTS Today we will be dealing with powerful declarations for 2021. And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you (Deuteronomy 7:15). ", By my faith in the finished work of Christ, my health will be fully restored this year! I decree and declare that in 2023 I will be an ambassador for Christ and that I will represent Him well in all that I say and do in Jesus name. I was looking for faith decrees and declarations for my life and I came across this. In 2022, as long as I continue to seek the Lord, he will make me to prosper! Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. We know God our identity is in Christ. I declare that your right hand be upon me to grant me and give me a lift that is beyond human capacity in the name of Jesus. Lion heart church thank u so much for the sharing the declarations&promises of our SaviorI have been going thru a great deal with my husband and i just needed to see a breakthrough a worda signsomethingand came across this siteI just want to say.God is still in the business of comforting His childrens no matter whatand i am so happy i prayed every last one of the declarations out.i am standing in agreement with all that God said i amGod bless everyone that comes on this siteGod knows our heartHe knows our faultstribulationsshameguiltsand our storiesand STILL LOVES US THE SAME YESTERDAYTODAY&FOREVER??? If we dont pronounce it, we cannot experience it. By the virtue of the victory I have in Christ Jesus, I declare that Im triumphant winning all the battles every way without losing out on any in the name of Jesus. This are great declarations! I will use this over my family and church members. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. God has desired that youll have all your heart desires granted. Thank you Jesus, so shall it be in Jesus name. Many thanks again and again for sharing. I decree and declare you PRESENT YOUR OFFERINGS and GIFTS before the Lord in WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING. I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert., As I maintain my covenant walk with God all through the year 2022, while others will be drying up, I will be flourishing, because my case is different! Here you have powerful new month prayers and blessings prepared for you. Thanks for the declarations to use for myself and my family. I decree that every barrier is broken down and everything causing blockage along my path is destroyed by the hand of God in the name of Jesus. We are happy these prophetic declarations are an amazing blessing to you Silas! The sun, the moon, and the stars shall serve me and work for my favor in the name of Jesus. 107. Let them praise the name of the LORD, For He commanded and they were created. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); In 2023 as i decree and declare so shall he be for me in Jesus name Amen. 112. Jesus has forgiven my trespasses and he has canceled the negative handwriting against me. Every season of spiritual dryness with no power or manifestation of God; I decree and declare, that season ends and a higher dimension of spiritual power rests upon you now, in the name of Jesus. These are not decrees to be kept for only oneself. The Holy Spirit led me to your site, I leave totally Blessed. May your name be lifted forever. I have the faith to breakthrough. Were so glad to hear you have been blessed by the powerful prayer page and prophetic declarations. '", As I remain on course with divine plans, I will be breaking forth on every side in these hard times! Psalm 119:105 says, "The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path." God bless you so much for sharing. God Bless you forever for these Declarations! "19For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Welcome to a life of limitless possibilities. Thanks. Proverbs 18:22/ Psalm 34:10, As a covenant child, every form of marital problems around my life are finally broken this year! Jeremiah 30:17 / Matthew 9:27-29, In 2022, through the revelation of the word, health and vitality will be my testimony! Grace to be all involved beloved. The fire of the wicked ones shall not burn in my life and all that is connected to me. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 4:20). PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS decree that the spiritual growth I am experiencing is translating to a physical experience. Prophetic utterances are needed to make the will of God effective in our lives. Unbelief shall not overtake my soul in the name of Jesus. What are prophetic declarations/prophetic prayers? Because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If you must breakthrough, you need to apply a force to make it happen. (Romans 6.14 ). READ >> PROPHECIES FOR 2021 BY PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE. Psalm 105:13-15, Isaiah 48:21 NLT. I decree and declare that my faith will be unshakeable and that I will trust in Gods plan for my life in Jesus name. MY DAYS OF SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGHS ARE HERE! Every season of spiritual dryness with no power or manifestation of God; I decree and declare, that season ends and a higher dimension of spiritual power rests upon you now, in the name of Jesus. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Its mans duty to pray, its Gods responsibility to answer. None of my family members would be knocked around and be homeless in Jesus' name. Its written, The God of peace bruise Satan under my feet shortly. 34. This is His will for your life and you shouldnt desire anything less than this. I have never walked in my life without walking aids . 8When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, 'Oh, Lord, please leave meIm such a sinful man. Thank you for the blood of the everlasting covenant which has made peace between us and has empowered me for success without limit. My life shall not be short of them in the name of Jesus Christ. 90. Grace is moving me in all that I do. The Bible teaches in Proverbs 18:21 that, Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Job 22:28 expresses it this way, You will also declare a matter, and it will be established unto you; and the light will shine upon your ways. Yes, there is certainly Biblical precedent. 17. My life is hidden always in Him and I will never be moved by the evil decrees of the wicked world because I have Jesus alive inside of me. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Although I live in another City, my Heart is a part of Lionheart Church!!! God has given you a mouth to bring the answers you desire into your life. My glory shall rise like a new day and my sun shall not go down. I shall be above only and not beneath in the name of Jesus Christ. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. 88. A. 5. 94. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. If you have been looking for the secret of making your desires come through, engage the power of prophetic declarations through prophetic prayer points. In the mean time, on this page weve compiled and grouped Bible verses that contain Gods promises to his children. 74. The scripture above makes us see the down payment of the victory Christ has given to us as believers. Thanks so much for sharing. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. 78. I decree and declare, a higher dimension of spiritual power, may it come upon you! Thank you so much for this Lionheart Church! 48. I decree that the agenda of the wicked one is frustrated in the name of Jesus. 41. Thank You Lionheart Church for these Declarations! 86. By the reason of the word of God in my mouth, I shall overcome the wicked in me. In 2023 I decree and declare that I will be a living sacrifice, dedicated to God and His kingdom in the mighty name of Jesus. These prophetic declarations for healing will bring back good health and shield you against future weakness, symptoms, or infections. Hurray! 36. 25. 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life - broadstreetpublishing.com If you make something the word of your mouth, it shall become the experience of your life. I pronounce that the spirits of favor and excellence shall come upon me, I shall excel this day and nothing shall be impossible unto me in the name of Jesus. 52. 10. My daughter and I cannot stop making the declarations ?? Amen. MY YEAR OF OVERCOMING OPRESSION HAS COME! It says somewhere, "Declare thou, that thou . "So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak? You can only apply this through prophetic declarations of blessings. I appreciate you so much for what God is doing through you Im blessed may God continue blessing you. Q. I invoke the activity of the blood of Jesus Christ, every voice that is speaking against my breakthrough is silenced in the name of Jesus Christ. 84. The power of Christ is at work in me, Im immune to diseases in the name of Jesus. Psalms 91:7, Luke 5:1-8 NLT. In 2023, I declare that I will be a living example of Gods love and grace in Jesus name. I decree that Im prevented from disasters and evils that travel around in the name of Jesus. 45. Its time to taste and see what the Lord has done and step into our destiny and purpose in him! Nothing shall rob me of my blessings in my life. Enjoy the declarations below. Im blessed, Im not ashamed in the name of Jesus Christ. THANK YOU FOR YOUR OBEIENCE TO TEACH THIS WAY TO THE FATHER IN PRAYER. John 15:1-2 / Proverbs 13:17, As I continue to give to the poor, I will be totally delivered from every affliction of sickness and disease! Your word says youll give grace and glory and youll not withhold anything good from me. I declare that the power of God shall do wonders without numbers in my life and I shall not understand limitations in the name of Jesus. My life shall not be short of goodness in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Deuteronomy 20:3-4. I decree that my life shall be an expression of your goodness and grace all the days of my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, I decree that every power and principalities that have vowed to make the year 2022 miserable for me, I announce their death today in the name of Jesus. 21. I shall enjoy endless laughter in all ramifications, in the name of Jesus. (Ephesians 6:10- 17). PROPHETIC DECLARATION I decree my family is firmly rooted and established in victory. Stories and verses you've known for years will come off the pages as God pours revelation in to your heart and mind. Please reach out and introduce yourself to us. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Youre encouraged to engage in these prophetic declarations as often as possible, perhaps daily, so that your life can experience divine blessings and transformation on a daily basis. Thank you for breaking the middle wall of partition between us; and for giving given me direct access to you. Psalm 91:1-16. I decree that Im sober and vigilant, Satan cannot outsmart me. These biblical declarations and decrees will put you in charge of your day and help you to realize your desired results, daily. 3. Let all the valleys be exalted in the name of Jesus. Thanks and be blessed, I was blessed by the Prophetic Declarations, Your email address will not be published. Therefore, with these prophetic prayer points, call forth your inheritances in Christ. The angels of God are released into activity concerning my life. Manage Settings 8. Experience exponential growth and multiplication, in the name of Jesus! I ask that the mighty hand of the Lord rest upon me and strengthen me so that I can do the impossible. Click on the topics below for specific scriptures. I decree and declare that I will be a faithful servant of Christ and that I will always put the needs of others before my own in Jesus name. Psalm 126:1-6/ 1 Corinthians 2:9. Today, I declare that I have divine intervention of provision, my needs are met and I live in abundance. The Lord shall decorate my life with His benefits by His hands in the name of Jesus Christ. Deuteronomy 8:18/ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, As I maintain a quality covenant walk with God, in the midst of this economic meltdown, I will be scaling new heights! God be with you always . I decree that divine intervention is my portion. So Godly happy that these prophetic declarations are a blessing to you and your daughter! I just saw your decorations in 2021. 49. !my spirit and soul is lifted,I am blessed with this .more anointing,more inspiration to do more in Jesus mighty name amen. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Your glory is great and your blessings are endless. My family will be settled for greatness, meet I ordain and declare that I will be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that I achieve and that MYSELF be always searching God's will for my life in Jesus name. Also here is a resource from our spiritually leader, David Oydeopo, to help you learn all you need on. "They were not thirstywhen he led them through the desert. Decrees In the name of Jesus, I decree that my feet are set free from any demonic influence, as a result of contact with contaminated grounds I have walked upon. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all. 2 Corinthians 8:1-3/ Philippians 4:15-19. I make sure to say them day and night! I receive uncommon wisdom to run the affairs of my days. Thanks again. 1 Samuel 10:5-6/II Kings2:12-15, Because of my covenant walk with God, my children will emerge as high flyers in their lifetime! Dominion 2021: Prophetic Declarations, Prayers, and Decrees to Command the Year (New Year Prayers Book 5) - Kindle edition by Okpara, Daniel C.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. I shall know rest, in my life, my family, and business in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare that every organ and every tissue and my entire system are functioning well in the name of Jesus. God bless each and everyone of you , I really desire this postal job position but i must pass the exam first im nervous and just need prayer to build my faith that God will see me through . When you engage in the biblical declarations, youre enabling yourself with an ability to break forth in every area of your life and youll have all your expectations realized. Jeremiah 30:17, Every medical verdict against me from the past is changed to a testimony in 2022 Matthew 9:20-22, In 2022, whatever sickness and disease ceases to be in heaven will cease to be in my body and in my household! 43. It puts them at ease, puts a smile on their faces, and shows how important they are and how much they are valued. 54. (Psalms 34:19). Theres no winning without warring. You will also find in this book, some of the many functions of the blood of Jesus Christ. A. (1John 4:4). Click below and enjoy Lionheart's Weekly Teachings! I speak to my body, I walk in sound health in the name of Jesus Christ. You test the words and thoughts coming into your mind to ensure they are from Holy Spirit and not an onslaught of the enemy. Romans 8:19-20 NLT. The victory God has given me is made manifest in my life, and all that concerns me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They save me from harm every day and bring success my way in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much for this Lionheart Church! I decree that Im strong because the word of the Lord is living in me. Let there be a way where theres no way. 5. I decree that my steps are ordered by God both in my going out and coming in, in Jesus name. Hallelujah! Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them for the LORD your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. The Bible says that even the angels harken to the voice of the Word. The blood of Jesus Christ that has purchased me into his kingdom is flowing through my system, flushing out every virus, bacteria, and all other disease-causing agents in the name of Jesus. "You must serve only theLordyour God. 38. 2. I decree that Im covered under the shadow of His wings. Is it Biblical? 28. would unlock doors concerning issues in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. All my long time expectations are miraculously delivered today. Exodus 23:25/ Matthew 6:31-33, Because I have made my choice to serve the Lord, I will continually increase more and more and my path will become brighter and brighter.Proverbs4:18 / II Chronicles 26:3-5, As I walk in the light of scripture, the destructions and devastations of these hard times shall never come near my home! 73. I decree that Im filled with the ability of the Spirit, I shall be enabled to do all things and win always in the name of Jesus. My body shall not be penetrated by any virus. By the reason of Gods word, I decree that Im fearless because God is always with me and in me. We will be praying for you and your church! Psalm 91:16, Job 22:21-25 NLT. I decree the manifestation of success in my life and all my endeavors in the name of Jesus Christ. 10. And he shall say to them, Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies.
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