The feedback for students is what helps students learn. Tends to complete independent homework tasks with ease. I'm so proud of you. She is always very attentive to putting care into her essay writing assignments and often goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments. By Nataly Kogan Always puts her hand up and follows instructions. Its so sweet that Im finally getting to write this report. 11. 2. By starting to study for the exam earlier, you may be able to retain more knowledge on exam day. It can also increase motivation for students. Your tenacity and devotion to your studies have helped you achieve this feat. A cute little boy with a good heart. 40. Is a natural organizer and is often seen helping to get her peers organized and ready for tasks. 2. You have potential and should work on your using more appropriate sources to achieve better outcomes. You have made some good progress this semester, but you need to continue working hard if you want to get good grades next year when the standards will rise again. 3. This makes him an excellent learner. Personalize your comments. In fact, educational research since the 1960s shows that students at every grade level and in every subject like to be praised for their work in the classroom. It often feels daunting when staring at that stack of papers and wondering how writing constructive feedback on each one is feasible. Your results are excellent. 8. Good feedback for teachers from students for online classes is generally acceptable and it is proof that such a student loves the class during the, Read More 100 Good Feedback For Teachers From Students For Online ClassesContinue, When good works are done, recognizing and praising those who are responsible for such is important. I have seen your improvement over time. 7. You're more fun than a ball pit filled with candy. Make the grading process faster and easier with this set of report card comments and phrases for describing student work and study habits in your classroom. I radiate positive energy. Keep it up, dear. 51 Constructive Feedback Examples for Students (2023) You have set yourself as a good example of excellence to your fellow students. 110. Keep it up. "That's a really great start, but perhaps you could". Is very good at identifying and repairing errors in drafts. I would like to see her asking for help when stuck on tasks. Youll make a good leader, Drae, youve got excellent communication skills and you are also a great team player. 17. You are such an amazing student. Takes pride in keeping her work neat, clean and tidy for every submission. Here are a hundred ready-made compliments to try out for yourself. General Constructive Feedback Examples for Students. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. 49. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048174. Do not relent. 110 Evaluative Remarks On Students Performance from Teacher 57. Its always an exciting moment with him. You went above and beyond here! Always shares and thinks about others during play scenarios. ODM0MzdhMTQ1YTI1M2IyYWFmZmFmYTk1NjI1YzdlN2Q0MmI4YzNhM2ExMDM5 [Student name] is a very bright student but he needs to work on his character. 50 Positive And Negative Short Remarks For Students' Performance And I have noticed several errors in your notes, including, 10. Dont be afraid to project your voice next time. Grades: ____ has shown much improvement this year. 155 Quick and Positive Teacher Comments for Student Writing However, a teacher knows that even when she is tired, as she grades paper after paper, it is extremely important to give the students constructive comments on their work. Is a very expressive and confident student. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Your success is proof of your secret hard work. I perceive that you are putting more work into your studies lately. Hes got an excellent command of English language vocabulary for a boy of his age. Thank you for getting right to work. Im so proud of you, my dear student. Im glad to see this improvement, and Im super proud of you. Is always attentive in class and asks for clarification when required. While writing remarks for students performance, it must be less critical and more focused on the positive sides of the student. Your high level of devotion and hard work in your studies has earned you this excellent performance. NjkxZDNkYzFiNDM3MDljNTU2MzBlZTdkZmM4MWYzNWMxMDk4MGZiYTNjM2Fl Always listens intently with the hope of learning new things. You have a sophisticated argument! Is building her confidence more and more every day. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Can be trusted to complete her homework in time. PDF POSITIVE COMMENTS List consistently completes homework assignments. You have a positive attitude. Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 21:55:15 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Do you need some insights or ideas on how to write the most effective remarks for students performance? Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture? Doesnt it feel good to do such great work? I cant wait to see where you take it! Brian is good at applying what he has been taught in class to real-life situations. Im highly impressed with your excellent performance in the just concluded academic session. Could work on using her time more efficiently to complete tasks in allotted time periods. As a next step, it is a good idea to. Is often disorganized and forgets important school supplies. Constructive feedback is given to help students improve. Is open, honest and upfront about her thoughts and beliefs. Engages in strong exploratory and discovery play behaviors without prompting. You don't have to stop doing that after your I Dos. 73. All I will say is, Do not relent, keep the zeal burning, and in no time youll see yourself flying. Has trouble getting engaged and interested in class topics. Always comes to class with very neat and well written homework. MWRkYjgyYTI3OWQ5MTQ1NjczYzk4M2YzNjNmNTgxZDNlMjdmNDkxMzA0MmEx I commend you for your hard work, and for always going the extra mile on your tasks. Im highly impressed. Character. Perseveres through difficulties to achieve her goals. It seems you are yet to gain mastery of the previous lessons taught on punctuation, Ill advise you to take your time to study the lessons better so that youll improve on your writing and be able to come up with well-punctuated writing. I see that you are struggling with your class exercise. 101. Could work on being more considerate to other classmates. Shares resources with her peers during play time. 18. I feel privileged to have gotten to read this work! Teacher Comments for Classroom Behavior. 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards. I'm so lucky to grade your work! Im sure youll do better in the coming academic session. NTA0ZjIyYjAxMWQ4ZDcyMmU1OTNjOTEwOWY2NTFlZDU5ZmIyOGFiNGUifQ== By including positive comments on students' papers, students' spirits will soar in ways you can not even imagine. 1. 2. I am very impressed by your performance. Keep soaring, dear. Avoid over-commenting. 45. Your attitude determines how far you will go in life. ODQ0ZTYxZjE3OWJmZmQwMTg5NmZkZDE3ZDVkMmNmYTRiZWE4ZmZjZWRhMzRl I observe you are making an extra effort to improve your mathematics skills by asking questions in class more often and staying back to study after school. You might want to share this amazing write-up with your loved ones too, they will appreciate you for it. ODE4ZTRmYmJjODA1Yzc4MzE3NGEyMTFkOGM0MjdjZGRlNTdiOTY2ZDEwZTdj An area for improvement is speaking up in class discussions. Im super proud of him. Im so proud of you, John. These compliments show that you appreciate the person's abilities. The sky is surely your starting point. Has a good ability to avoid peers who she sees may be distractions to her learning. She is a valuable member of the classroom with a high level of confidence and positivity. Great people are known not necessarily by what they say but by their actions and attitude. The way you always know when someone needs something is amazing. Keep soaring. Great job analyzing! What a critical piece to your argument! After a major lesson has been passed by a teacher whether online or onsite, every student ought to take a little time to say thank you for the lesson passed. (examples such as terrific, great work, well done and excellent.) It's easy to fall back on old standards like "Good job" or "Nice work.". Has shown the ability to empathize with classmates and show great compassion. The examples you used were interesting, but you could have elaborated more on their relevance to the essay. You are a very versatile student who has stricken a healthy balance between academic and social life. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 72. Keep up the good work. Keep flying, dear. Your essay is easy to understand and covers all the key points, but you could use more evaluative language to strengthen your argument. The sky is your starting point. A compliment is an expression of regard, admiration, praise, or respect. Is a fiercely independent person who knows what she wants and goes out to get it. This is not just a sheet of paper. Shares thoughtful and genuine opinions during lessons. Enjoy all the goodies it brings. Uses her body and hand movements to express herself artistically. Its exciting to have a student who is committed to learning and self-development. Im so proud of you. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The sky is your starting point. MDUzMDE1OGNmNTM3MTQ3Y2IzNGUxZDljYTRiNzQ0MWNlOGNjM2Y5ODExMzZm The empirical evidence from the research shows that praise can have a positive impact on both student academic learning and social behavior. 6. Try using these compliments that focus on how the person relates to others. NTQxNWUyMTEwNDM3MWE4MjQwNDhmNjA1YzQ0NTk1Nzg5MDc4ODU5NjRkNmM3 Occasionally needs special assistance to stay on task. Comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. If you have been struggling to reach out to . This is quite remarkable! Is a very outgoing, positive and upbeat student. Consistently provides valuable contributions to class discussion. Is always willing to jump in and participate in any task. They deserve a medal for a job well done. You did a great job on this assignment, but try to be more concise in your writing for future assignments. Perseveres to find a solution. NTQ0NWNhZGU5MjEzYmZhMWE4NzBiM2Q5MDdmMDNkMzBkOWUxMzQyZTYzNzQ4 This should be done on a periodic basis to encourage the teachers. Problem-solve the negative. 6. Comes to class every day ready and willing to learn. Communication Skills. Listens thoughtfully to other peoples ideas and contributes her own thoughtful ideas. I am highly impressed with your performance. This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on November 18, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. Zian seems to have gained a good mastery of essay writing. How do you compliment a friend? It doesnt surprise me a bit that I smiled throughout your whole paper! The way you express your ideas is wonderful! Keep soaring, boy. I look forward to seeing further development in expressing her thoughts in class. 325 amazing report card comments and remarks to save your time! Great job! Respects the opinions of others. Is very considerate of others and often puts others needs and interests at the front of her mind. 54. A wonderful way to present this information! What are some examples of, Read More 101 Sample Positive Comments for Teacher ObservationsContinue, 100 Good Feedback For Teachers From Students For Online Classes, 51 Inspirational Leadership Appraisal Comments, 70 Appreciation Words For Students From Teachers, 101 Sample Positive Comments for Teacher Observations, Positive Comments for Students Performance, Positive Comments for Report Cards For Kindergarten, Congratulations on this amazing performance. How is it that you always look so great, even if you're in ratty pajamas? Is very good at reflecting on her weaknesses and working on them to grow as a person. Regularly forgets to bring homework to school. 71. You are beautiful on the inside and outside. Effective Praise Highlights Student Effort - ThoughtCo 55. Keep the flag flying. He needs to be encouraged to explore more and handle some less critical situations independently. Is resilient in the face of significant challenges and problems presented. I hope you will keep practicing more so that you will finally be able to solve tougher problems. Your coming out with flying colors is obviously the result of your secret hard work and commitment. I am very excited and super proud of you as my student. Way to grab the readers attention! Complimenting Positivity. Is effective at using the written word to express herself. Has submitted homework late on several occasions. It is important to help students to focus on the learning process rather than on "getting the grade," while at the . Teachers hold a piece of their student's future in their hands. Its great to see that you can now solve some simple mathematics problems faster than before. You are glowingand that's the least interesting thing about you, too. ZTNjZjNmZWVkZGJlOTMxOWVjZDY4NzkwYTllZThiY2Q1ZmQwOGU2M2IwMjcz Often submits incomplete drafts due to poor time management. Keep the fire burning. Is very enthusiastic about ________ and has shown great promise in this area. Im very proud of you, Joan. You have covered all the key points and your writing is clear and concise. Helps your child know they are doing an excellent job at something. Studies show that students generally like feedback that points them in the right direction and helps them to improve. 80. M2VhZDE0OTQxOWViYjI4MmFkYzYyZjdmYzZjZmRiZTgzMTMwZDRkN2QwMWMz Dont stop working, dont stop pushing, there is a bright future waiting ahead of you. 13. Keep winning. There are a few errors in terms of grammar and spelling, but your essay is overall well-constructed. PDF Effective Efficient Grading and Commenting - College of Humanities and Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. He is always delivering excellent assignments and especially finds hands-on math activities exciting. I hope youll work harder and avoid every distraction so that you can come up with a better result by the end of this session. 1. Has the ability to stop and change course when she identifies areas for improvement. 6. You are a student I so much believe in. 9. 42. Praise: "You're a great writer.". Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. All the advice on this site is general in nature. You have proven yourself excellent with your performance. The sky is your starting point. Appears to thrive in group learning situations. Who raised you? Kudos to you for this astounding achievement. ZjljYzg0MWE4NTlhYTFjMmNkYThlYTdjZTI5MzEzMDQ3MGU2YTA1MzI3NzEx Has reached many achievements this year, which is reflected in her budding confidence. Its great to see you come this far as my student. 8. Keep it up! 50 Report Card Comments for Teachers - Teachmint PLoS ONE. How to Give Positive Feedback on Student Writing | Edutopia Fifty Ways to Praise Your Students | Tutorial Center 37. Y2VjYmM2N2IwMGMxNjRiZjM1YzkxOTY4MTZkNWZiMzM2OTlhMTI1NTdiYWFh YmI4NWYwZTZhZTUzZDFiMzQ4YTg2NTY0NmVmMjAzMzNlNDA2OTdhYjEwM2Ni Could be getting higher grades if she edited her work more carefully before submission. It is indeed a great platform to share your feedback. Everyone gets knocked down sometimes; only people like you get back up again and keep going. 30. Good job, Betty! If you were a box of crayons, you'd be the big industrial name-brand one with a built-in sharpener. Your story is highly inspiring. Positive Comments For Students Performance. 9. I appreciate any words of wisdom and input on ways that I can praise student work e.g- a spelling or math test. ODlhOWM1OGE2NTRkZTg0MDc0MDY1ZDAzMjRmYTQwYjU2ZGMyYTg0NmVjMTBj Giving Compliments When You Have Social Anxiety Disorder, Negging: How to Recognize and Overcome It, How to Use Words of Affirmation in Your Relationship, Mental Health in a Virtual World: Unpacking the Details With Jewel and Noah Robinson, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox. Is held in high regard for her kindness to others. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. Keep the fire burning. Give students and parents direct feedback on how to improve study habits, study habits examples, and work habits for students. You amaze me with your attention to detail! 16. 6. 3. 14. You should be thanked more often. Such compliments can work for almost any situation, whether you compliment a friend or a colleague. Keeps her personal work spaces very well organized. You have improved in all areas and Im very proud of you. Reinforce the positive. I appreciate that your student does their best every single day. Im so impressed by your performance. Likes to come to school and learn with her friends. 70. You've shown creative problem solving here! As with complimenting appearance, consider whether they are appropriate or may be bordering on being flirtatious. These positive report card comments that follow are divided into categories to help you find the appropriate remarks faster. Students of any age will feel so good about themselves when they read positive comments written right on their assignments. 93. Read Also: 13 Best Classroom Management Theories, Read Also: 47 Best Classroom Rules for Middle and High School. Katy Hoffman. I commend you for your effort in always giving your best to your studies. Checking through your records, I can boldly say that you are drastically improving on your studies. The following teacher comments for student writing may be used to assess homework, exam papers, and/or to note how well students are progressing. Im super proud of you for your outstanding performance. Could work some more on communicating her opinions during discussions. Im always excited to see your progress. I'm highly impressed with your performance. NjA0MGZkYmNlNDVkMTg2ZjY4ZjgxZTQ2ODc1NTgzYmUzYmI3OWEyYWIzN2Rh Nataly Kogan is the co-founder and CEO of Happier, a leading wellness company on a mission to make millions of people happier in their everyday lives. Im so excited to see you improve so drastically over this short period. 44. Thank you for not giving up on yourself. 11. Enjoy subscriber-only access to this articles pdf. You are such an amazing student. Nice work. These compliments are a great way to improve a student's self-esteem and to let them know they're doing great work. Im glad you were able to channel your energy correctly and come out with good grades on your tests. You have always exhibited excellent intellectual ability and that is quite impressive. Pays close attention to the details of a tasks so that she doesnt miss anything. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Needs to work on allowing other group members equal time to speak during group discussions. You outdid yourself with this assignment! Very active in class and always eager to learn. M2UxMmUwNjM4M2NjZDY1N2VjNDkwMjAzNjA5YzExNmM5YmU1ZTJhNjc0NmNi 29. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. This hypothesis is amazing! What neat work! 38. 1. 180+ Positive Report Card Comments That Save Time All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Keep up being the devoted and hardworking student you are. I absolutely love that shirt. Again, don't be too harsh. Sometimes, a place or a person deserves to be spoken of positively. You prove that you can do hard things! This is a wonderful performance, Joyce, Im super proud of you. You have maintained your excellent position through your dedication, hard work, and tenacious spirit. Is exceptionally good at completing tasks in a timely manner. I am super proud to have you as my student. 50. These positive behavior comments for students are the perfect way to show recognition for good classroom behavior, work-ethic, or any other celebration! Your hard work and commitment as a student are reflected in your excellent performance. In addition, these phrases don't tell the student what they did to earn the praise. Excels when given leadership roles in small groups. You have worked very hard this semester. 4. 24. Keep being hardworking and dedicated. Your attitude greatly suggests that you are marked for greatness, just keep it up. Ryan will make a great Mathematics genius. You must learn to understand your student and see how to deal with them in a positive and less critical manner. 39. Writing remarks on students performance can also be a great way for you to express your honest thoughts, opinions, or observations on the students overall performance, and communicate them to their parents or guardians. Your overall performance in this session is quite encouraging. Your organized paragraphs make me very proud! Complimenting one's appearance (body, shape, or weight) can also be harmful, especially to someone who is struggling with an eating disorder or body image issue. Keeps a neat and organized work space at all times. You need to learn to pay attention in class and stay more focused on your studies. 201 Compliments and Positive Things to Say to Someone Is often shy and intimidated when asked to speak up in class discussions. 20. Keep it up, dear. This is just the beginning. Her homework is often brought to class incomplete and rushed. 7. A compliment is a great way to inspire and motivate others to work. This is one of the best essays Ive read! These compliments may be a little too general. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on April 1, 2023 by Chris Drew, PhD. Has some trouble listening to peers and teachers. Can occasionally disrupt her friends and classmates. Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it. I will often start with a comment bank like the one above. Mjk4YTMzMTE0MWZkMTg4ZGQxMmM2ODdhMGVjYmVhZGU1YTA1Y2FlYjlhMmQ0 I really love how creative you get with your descriptions! I can tell this is your best effort! You have shown great improvement this semester, but you need to focus some more on being self-motivated rather than relying on me to keep you on task. The preferred compliments for students from teachers are "I really appreciate your effort today," "you're learning fast," and "that's exactly how I would have done it.". 1. I hope you found this article on remarks for students performance helpful. One area for improvement is your tone of voice, which sometimes comes across too soft.
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